Thursday, June 12


Last night in the bath we were reading Jumpin' J's tub books as usual. He likes to point at everything and have me say the word. And we were on one of the food pages and he pointed to the yogurt. So I obligingly said it and he laughed. He pointed to it over and over and over again and every time I said it he would go into a fit of giggles. His finger would move around the page and hover over other things and then suddenly swing back to point on the yogurt. It was really a special moment.... and it only ended when he laughed so hard he pooped in the tub. Now that really was gross but all I could do was laugh. I've heard of laughing until you cry but laugh until you poop, only J!


Katy said...

Ha ha! That makes me laugh. Besides, poop isn't gross when it's your kid.

Jumpin J's Mom said...

Poop in the tub IS gross even when it's your kid. I don't want to go into the details but lets just say that getting it cleaned up makes me gag!!!

Lilypad Mom said...

Yuck! I'm so glad (and knocking on wood) that we haven't had that happen yet!

Lilypad Mom said...

OK, it's all your fault! Aside from Lilypad Dad's incident with the projectile poop when LP was less than a week old, we hadn't had any poop in the tub or anywhere else it wasn't supposed to be. I answered this yesterday, and today we got poop on the floor when she got tired of sitting on the potty and got up to walk away instead.