Friday, April 25

Visit From An Old Friend

After many aborted attempts at getting together one of my friends from college, Jenn, and her son CJ came over yesterday afternoon for lunch and playing. CJ is 6.5 and wants to be a firefighter. He has such a wonderful active imagination and gave me a short but inspiring look into what my life will probably be like in 5 years. It's a totally different way of playing than LP does when she comes to our house; definitely a boy/girl thing.


CJ and Jumpin' J had fish sticks and peas for lunch with berries for dessert. J was so entertained by CJ, it was really great to watch. After lunch we went for a walk and then CJ got to have a popsicle while his mom played with J. We were so glad to have them over and hopefully we can do it again soon.


Again, I took quite a few more pictures but these are the only two that didn't get corrupted. Bummer again because the best ones were ruined. I hate it when I get a picture I like and then something happens to it.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Amazing how time flies isn't it?